Data Description

Data Description

The climate data and climate model simulation output provided allow for examination of past changes and future predictions based on how much human-derived greenhouse gas is emitted into the atmosphere.

The following data is available:

Historical Climate Data 1895 - 2012: Seasonal and annual minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation data is availble for the following five sites across NH: Bethlehem, Durham, First Connecticut Lake, Hanover and Keene. This data is derived from the United States Historical Climatology Network v2.5 Serial Monthly Dataset.

Historical Climate Data 1960 - 2012: Seasonal and annual minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation data is available for several sites across NH. This data is derived from NOAA's Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily.

Also included are additional indicators of our changing climate on an annual basis. These include:

  • Number of days per year above 90F and 95F
  • Temperature on the hottest day of the year
  • Number of cold days per year below 32F and 0F
  • Temperature on the coldest day of the year
  • Number of precipation events
    • Above 1" and 2" in 24 hours
    • Above 2" and 4" in 48 hours
  • Number of snow covered days per year
  • Length of growing season per year


Statistically Downscaled Global Climate Model Simulations: To generate high resolution daily projections of temperature and precipitation across New Hampshire, global climate model simulations from the following four climate models: NCAR CCSM3, NCAR PCM, GFDL CM2.1 and UK Meteorological Office HadCM3. These models were statistically downscaled using the Asynchronous Regional Regression Model. The analysis used the Intergovernmental Panal on Climate Change A1fi (high emission) and B1 (low emission) scenarios because they cover a broad range of plausible futures in terms of human emissions of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active chemical species and resulting impacts on climate. Details of emissions scenarios, global climate models and statiscal downscaling methods are provided in the report Global Climate Models, Statistical Downscaling, and Uncertainty in Future Climate Projects for New Hampshire.